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Open 4 Business

Photos: Heron Kross (105 N Court) competed in Open4Business in 2023 and won third place with a total of $15,000 in grant funds.

What could your business do with $25,000

Do you have a great business idea? Is your current business planning to expand services or add a new product line? Do you have a piece of equipment you wish you could purchase for your business?


Main Street Ottumwa is looking for interested entrepreneurs who could use $25,000 to expand and grow their business idea within the Main Street Ottumwa district.  Main Street Iowa’s annual Open 4 Business program supports existing businesses and revitalization in the more than 50 Main Street Iowa communities.


For the contest, entrepreneurs will outline a business development or expansion idea, such as additional services and product offerings or needed equipment.

Eligible Expenses

Inventory, Equipment, Marketing, Computers, Software Upgrades

Ineligible Expenses

Rent, Utilities, Remodeling, Payroll for Employees, Vehicles

How to Apply

The applicant will be required to complete an online application and submit a three-minute “video pitch” about their business idea. The video pitch is a simple video that tells about the idea and how the Open 4 Business grant funds would help expand and grow the business. Videos can be recorded using a cell phone and will be judged on content. Be creative and have fun!


State competition applications must be submitted through the local program to Main Street Iowa by May 1. Main Street Iowa staff will review them for project impact within the designated Main Street district; business innovation; and opportunity for continued growth, enhanced revenue and sustainability.


Five finalists will advance to the state competition on Aug. 4 in Muscatine, where they will pitch their expansion ideas before a panel of judges.


Eligible businesses must be for-profit and have been operating for at least one year in a Main Street district. In addition to the online application, applicants also must submit a short video highlighting their business project and how it will benefit their community’s economic climate. A 25% cash match is required. 


The Economic Vitality Committee will choose one candidate to apply for the state contest.  Please contact the Main Street Ottumwa Office if you would like to be considered.  The local deadline is April 4, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.

   Helpful Links   

Open 4 Business Application

Contact Information

Is the business a Certified Targeted Small Business?
Are you aware of the requirements to remain in operation within the designated Main Street district for two years following the contract start date if awarded or repay the awarded grant funds?

Business Concept (30 points)

Business Concept (30 points)

A 25% cash match is required. The business must have a minimum investment of $5,000 to compete for the state award of $20,000. The judging panel reserves the right to reduce the state award funds which could result in the award amount and required match being adjusted.

Community Impact (20 points)

Competitive Advantage (15 points)

Marketing/Promotions (15 points)

Does the business use social media or other online platforms?


Required Documents

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Main Street Ottumwa

Executive Director: Kris Patrick


Phone: (641) 814-5225

Address: 334 East Main Street

                 Ottumwa, IA 52501


Website made possible by support from Alliant Energy

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